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Coffee Break

Tesha Uniquely Fit


God's Ambassador In Supporting Women to Fulfill Their God-Given Purpose

Wealth - Wellness - Wisdom 


You Are Given Everything You Need To Be Who God Has Called You To Be

2 Peter 1:3 We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God.



Have you ever considered how close or connected you are to someone, and how vital it is for you to accomplish certain things? Have you ever thought, "I wonder if I matter to them if our relationship is really good or not?" This can happen in any relationship; we've all wondered about it in our minds. When we start asking these questions, I often wonder what God is thinking about our relationship right now with Him. Does He think we're solid cool, or am I His voice, the one who has His back when someone trashes Him? When He tells me how much He loves me, I know there has to be something to it, but do I honestly believe it, do I truly trust Him, or do I view our relationship in the same way that we view others?

We have been becoming incredibly close to our heavenly Father over the last few weeks; we are growing deeper in our relationship with Him, and if we aren't, that's okay because as long as He is giving you breath, He is making a way for you to draw closer to Him. I'm simply in awe of how much God shows up, shows out, and shows off when He reveals and expresses His love to us; not even the enemy can stop Him. You are so valuable to Him that He had you on His mind for thousands of years ago, lol no man can beat that pickup line. God is like my daughter; I've been thinking about you since the beginning of time. How sweet is that? God has been and always will be in love with you. We may believe that we don't matter to God because of our trials and sufferings, but we do. He has our backs, and He is trying to get us to seek Him in the most beautiful way possible so that we would always have His back like He has ours.

Have you ever meant someone who couldn't stop talking about their kids, dog, cat, or husband? It's because they're expressing something really important to them. They are so proud of what they can't stop talking about, they have so many pictures, so many plans, and so many things that you wonder if there is anything they aren't thinking of doing with those individuals or people. The same thing happens when we fall head over heels in love with God. We simply cannot get enough of Him. He rocks our boats while filling them with our hearts' desires. Fall in love with Christ, our Lord and Savior, the God and Creator of the universe who has complete control over everything. Don't be concerned, worried, or anxious; remember, you've been on His mind for centuries. Nothing can compete:-D


Spiritual Awareness

With the hustle and bustle of the day and everything else going on in our lives, it is difficult to focus on God, to stop and read our Bibles for it gives us life, we are so distracted that we don't put on the armor of God and prepare ourselves for the devil and his schemes. We are stronger with God and we need to make it our best interest somehow, some way to make the Lord our delight, to make Him a fragrance of our love and gratitude. Our hearts must be directed toward Him since He is the true head of homes, actually watching over our comings and goings, as well as our children, husbands, and other family members. We deserve to thank Him. The devil destroys, distracts, and deceives us into thinking we are fine if we skip a day or two if we don't pray, if we do this or that, and before we realize it, we are so far away from God. Don't fall victim to the enemy's lies. We all think we have time until it runs out and we go, but it's too late. Recognize Him today, tomorrow, and forever.


3 Scriptures To Mediate On And Questions To Ask Yourself

Some may argue that God instructs us to meditate on His word day and night. Should we, nevertheless, disregard God and His instructions? Should we not hang them around our necks as He instructed the Israelites, or should we believe we are superior because we live in a new age? No, I don't believe so. Our focus verses for the week are found in the Bible. I hope the Lord is filling you up and making you want more. Remember that the world is passing away, but His word will not. Maintain your attention on loving the Lord and falling in love with Him. In this dark world, He is your light.

John 15: 4-7

Amos 2:3

James 4:8

Scripture #1: Are you staying connected to the branch?

John 15: 4-7 (NIV)

Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branc can bear fruit by itself; if must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the brances. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such brances are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.

Scripture #2: What are you and God agreeing on today?

Amos 3:3 (KJV)

Can two walk together, exccept they be agreed?

Scripture #3: What are you being double-minded with God about going back and forth?

James 4:8 (NIV)

Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands; you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

Closing Prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father

Thank you for another day, Daddy. Thank you for the grace and kindness you shower on me every day. You keep an eye on me and give me instructions on a daily basis. I'm not sure if I'm coming or going, or if this is even the right thing for me to do. My heart desires You, and I sometimes have to struggle hard to stay focused on You and believe that all will work out and that anything is possible. I ask you today to assist me in being the person You have called me to be. Keep my heart open to You and my mind on You. I pray that You would continue to provide for my family and me.

Keep the wicked one and his legions at bay. Don't take Your presence away, but rather guide me on this journey. You are the creator of my life, and I will put my faith in You and You alone. I will always love you. I pray over everything and seal it with the blood of Christ.

In Jesus Christ name, Amen.

If you enjoy devotionals and think they are a blessing to you, share them with someone else who can benefit from them as well.  Our destination is heaven, and we are on a mission to bring as many shattered, hopeless, and unsure-of-their-future with us as we can. Become that link. You are always and forever cherished!


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Isaiah 43:19  Behold I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert.

Tesha Uniquely Fit is a spiritual, physical, and business coaching enterprise dedicated to providing with the tools to excel in wealth, wellness, and wisdom. The ultimate goal is heaven-bound and training women to turn their problems into passion and payments.



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