Exercise and prayer are not two things that come to mind when we think of ourselves as Christians. We lead busy lives that include running errands, doing chores, cooking, picking up the kids from school, and going to work. Depending on the type of work you do, this may also involve additional physical demands on your body. We discussed developing intimacy with and getting close to the Lord. We simply think, "Thank God for another day that I can move this body," rather than "let our bodies be sexy for Jesus." Contrary to what we might think, our bodies belong to the Lord, it is the temple for God. The other day I read something and it made me think, God chose to live and dwell in my temple. He didn't want to reside in a building but in my body where He could move and have His being. That is so cool, but when we are not taking care of the body that He gave us that becomes uncool.
We don't have to look good just for the world to see us, we can look good for a whole Kingdom in Heaven. Just imagine your own personal relationship with Jesus and how you make it worthwhile to ask Jesus for his opinion on topics. Jesus is like your own personal stylist. We don't consider these factors, and we don't believe that how we appear matters. You should appreciate your heavenly Father for giving you a physique and strive to look your best. Display your gratitude to Him by taking care of it, that is, of yourself. Personal care is essential, yet the majority of us are too busy taking care of others to take care of ourselves. However, whether you are ill, exhausted, or unwell, only you can put yourself back together.

You are not where you belong. All you do is go, go, go; you don't have time for God, you don't have time to meditate, and you don't have time to be still. Think about how you can create healthy moments for yourself while you have a come-to-Jesus meeting with yourself. Being fit includes your mind, body, and soul in addition to your spiritualĀ health. Spend some time today reflecting on how you might increase your intimacy with Jesus, your Savior, and Lord, through exercise and fasting. Don't allow the devil to steal your joy by convincing you that these things are unimportant.
Spiritual Awareness
3 Scriptures To Mediate On And Questions To Ask Yourself
Your heavenly Father doesn't want you to be stressed, concerned, anxious, or depressed atĀ all. Make a list of the ten things that are causing you to stress, fold the paper in half, and write, "Father in Heaven, I give this to You," on the reverse side. Your physical and emotional well-being are equally vital. God began using me as a fitness coach to assist women in developing themselves in livingĀ healthier in some form of fashion. Because I am aware that someone needed a hug, a smile, a joke, a good workout, and possibly a very good laugh, I wanted to be present and reliable. Jesus and exercise go hand in hand, without a doubt. Give the Lord your mind, body, and soul on purpose so that your spirit is continually delighting in the Lord. Keep in mind that you are a holy nation and a royal priesthood, and by maintaining good health for the Lord, you will be able to perform marvelous deeds for Him. Stay the course and stay on your journey.
2 Peter 2:9
Acts 17:28-29
Psalms 46:10
Scripture #1: Do you believe that You are royalty?
2 Peter 2:9 (NIV)
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.
Scripture #2: How are you moving in the Lord?
Acts 17:28-29 (NIV)
For 'In Him, we live and move and have our being,' as even some of your poets have said, 'For we too are his offspring. ' 29Since therefore we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the divinity is like an image fashioned from gold, silver, or stone by human art and imagination.
Scripture #3: Are you being still and calm in Jesus?
Psalm 46:10 (NIV)
āBe still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earthā.
Closing Prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father
Lord, thankĀ you that youĀ have protected my family while we went about our day. Thank you for another amazing yetĀ crazy day. Lord, it's not often that I consider the body you have given me to be Your temple. My days are so busy and I often feel like I'm rushing from one activity to the next like a chicken with its head cut off, but if I trust you, I can rest in You and know that You have everything under control. Please pardon me for trying to manage everything and for not stopping to relax and just sit still. Teach me how to take care of Your temple, which is my mind, body, and soul. Also, Father please help me to give You more and more of me each day. I cherish you and love you.
In Jesus Christ name, Amen.
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