Thick Legs And Thighs Don't Lie
Service Description
Get Bouncy-With Yo Booty Challenge for 30 days! If you want a nice full bottom, this challenge is for you. We will concentrate solely on building your glutes, legs, hamstrings, quads, and thigh. You'll only need one thing to keep you going: consistency. This will be the most important component of discipline, motivation, and willpower! So let's train our bottoms to look amazing in our New Year Outfit! Abs Soul Lovely is great for women who solely want to focus on their core. With Abs Soul Lovely you will get the chan to fall in love your mind, body, and spirit as you begin to change from the inside out. These sessions are created strategically to work out the body, but to fully strengthen your core, lower back and other parts of your body. The workout sessions will also speeds up your metabolism allowing you to burn calories for up to 48 hours even after your workout. These sessions are held everyday from Monday to Friday from 6:30 am to 7:00 am. These 30 minute session will turboblast your day and ignite your core to the fullest. The Work Your Core Program is a 30 day tactical strength training all over core workout. The sessions focus on upper, lower abs, oblique, love handles, and lower part of your back. You will also be given a very strategic eating plan to assist with your Core Program goals that will still allow you to eat the things that you love. This program is month to month allowing you to switch up on your fitness goals as you desire. Get Ready for a Killer Abs Soul Lovely Workout!

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